Game Set Match Comedy the card box

Game setup

Contesting teams are arranged in three columns, that battle across rows to eliminate each other. Each table starts with two table number cards and one SABOTAGE card.

All tables begin with zero strikes.

comedian performances

Three comedians take the stage one at a time, performing an introductory three minute set. The contestants should pay close attention to the comedians, their style of humor and their punchline wit. After the performances, each comedian is assigned to a team by the host.

Game start

The game starts with the first table in the first row. The first table is asked a multiple-choice question about one of the comedians. Once the table selects an answer, that answer is removed from the choice pool. The remaining tables guess from the remaining multiple-choice options that are left. No two tables can have the same answer. The targeted comedian (the one who the question refers to) then performs a 90-second set that reveals the answer/punchline.

The table with the correct answer is safe, while the others lose a number card from their table. Teams that lose both of their number cards are sent "Off-set."

When a table has been placed in the "Off-set" position, they are not eliminated but are no longer allowed to answer round questions.

The game proceeds to the second table in the second row. The same above procedure takes place. Next iteration is the third table in the third row. This may sound confusing but the host will control the flow and direction of the game.

If a table has no numerically competing table in its row, it challenges the next available competing table.

challenges and sabotage

Teams sent "Off-set" can return when an active table in their row successfully plays a SABOTAGE card.
When a SABOTAGE card is played, the team chooses which "Off-set" table they will attempt to bring back. They also select a table from a competing row to challenge.

The "Off-set" team is asked a multiple-choice SABOTAGE question by one of the comedians. The questions are based on either a popular comedy movie or comedic television series.

The challenged team gets the first guess. Again, they can not both choose the same answer.

Offset team wins: they rejoin the game but they have no SABOTAGE cards and no number cards. (Any other wrong answer results in permanent elimination for this team).

For their incorrect answer, the challenged team is then moved to the "Off-set" position.

Challenged team wins: the "Off-set" team is permanently eliminated from the game and the team that played the SABOTAGE card is moved to the "Off-set" position.

Neither team wins: If neither team answers correctly the "Off-set" team is permanently eliminated and both the challenged team and the team that played the SABOTAGE card are moved to the "off-set" position.

end of game

The game is over, and a winner is crowned, when all tables have been either permanently eliminated, or in the "off-set" position from every row except for one. The remaining row or table is then declared the winners. The winning row determines by their number designation which comedian performs the headlining close-out set.

If the first row (or a table from that row) wins then their comedian closes out the set; if the second row (or a table from that row) wins, etc.

this sounds confusing

No worries. The host knows the flow of the game and will keep you both entertained and aware. The key is to know your opponents, the comedians, and how to have fun. Game Set Match Comedy is a fast-paced game and the rhythm will help you catch on quickly. Focus on the winning - and you might just do that.